Funkcje społeczne „wrogiej propagandy pisanej” w latach 1965–1975 na przykładach z archiwum krakowskiej bezpieki


  • Maria Konieczna Instytut Pamięci Narodowej. Oddział w Krakowie


propagadna, Polska, 20 w.


[Social functions of the „enemy written propaganda” in the years 1965-1975 based on the examples from the Cracow security forces archives].

Many of the operational reports concerning so-called „enemy written propaganda” are still in the archives of the Cracow security forces. The most of such cases come from the late 1960s and early 1970s. The preserved materials are a testimony of the growth of the anticommunist opposition for bold actions in 1976 and later. Leaflets distribution, writing on the walls, sending anonymous letters were those spaces of freedom that were willingly cultivated by the defiant. The inscriptions were written on the walls, trains and trams, the leaflets were scattered in the streets, in the parks, dormitories, cafés, the anonymous letters were sent. The collected testimonies of the anonymous street slogans against communist government show how grand organisational problem they were for the officers of Security Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Rising social opposition soon resulted in strikes and riots in Radom and establishment of the first legal opposition


Konieczna M., Służba Bezpieczeństwa przeciw Armii Wyzwolenia. Działalność organizacji młodzieżowej Armia Wyzwolenia w latach 1967-1970 w dokumentach Służby Bezpieczeństwa w Krakowie, „Sowiniec” 2010, nr 36/37

Śpitalniak M., Praca operacyjna w zakresie zwalczania wrogiej anonimowej propagandy pisanej, Warszawa 1977

Znaczenie przestępstw propagandy pisanej, red. J. Kuczys, Warszawa 1965



How to Cite

Konieczna, M. (2012). Funkcje społeczne „wrogiej propagandy pisanej” w latach 1965–1975 na przykładach z archiwum krakowskiej bezpieki. AUPC Studia Ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia, 10, 124–138. Retrieved from



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