„Exploratory search” – kłopoty architekta informacji z terminologią
https://doi.org/10.24917/20811861.18.13Słowa kluczowe:
information seeking; information searching; exploratory search; information foraging; information architecture; terminologyAbstrakt
Information environments (co-) designed by information architects should significantly support the users in obtaining information. Using English-language literature as source of examples, the author characterizes user activity type referred to as exploratory search, especially the concept of information foraging, which she suggests calling “traversing information environments”. This article aims at clarifying and organizing Polish terminology related to exploratory practices and user experiences. The analysis of Polish sources on information science of the 21st century evidences the terminological disorder. The author believes that order, precision and terminological consistency are especially needed in the dynamically developing area of information architecture in Poland, especially if treated as an academic discipline. The findings contribute to the theory and methodology of the Polish school of information architecture. The author believes that a constructive discussion of information professionals might be initiated by the proposals presented in this article.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2020 Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia

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