Uwarunkowania udostępniania danych badawczych przez polskich humanistów. Rekonesans
https://doi.org/10.24917/20811861.19.39Słowa kluczowe:
determinants, humanists, Open Research DataAbstrakt
As part of a wider project based on MMR, the first round of qualitative study was carried out from May to July 2021 on a convenience sample of 14 scholars from Polish universities, representing the field of humanities, with a predominance of modern languages specialists. We posed the following research question: how the way they perceive their own research data impacts on the willingness of Polish humanists to adhere to Open Research Data initiatives. In adequacy with this subject of inquiry, we applied the combination of phenomenography and guided tour method. The material was collected via semi-structured interviews and examined through the lens of phenomenographic analysis. In conclusions, we present a map of categories of experience that may determine the practical approach of humanists towards Open Research Data. The central category turned out to be "Selfhood", understood as the close connection between the researcher and with the data he/she produces. While "Selfhood" itself appears to be a neutral feature, other categories related to it are classified as potential barriers. Taking into account all the identified determinants, we formulate practical postulates addressed to digital data curators operating in Polish academic and scholarly libraries.
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