Petr Voit – czeski bibliolog, autor Encyklopedii książki w świetle swego życiorysu czytelniczo-zawodowego


  • Grzegorz Nieć Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie. Instytut Nauk o Informacji


Słowa kluczowe:

Bibliology, Bohemian studies, readership, Biography studies, Librarianship, antiquarianism


Petr Voit is one of the leading representatives of Czech bibliology, an author of many publications from this area, including the monumental Encyclopaedia of Book (2006, 2008). His readership curriculum vitae can be located in the volume Knihy a jejichlidé. Čtenářské životopisy, prepared by JiřígoTrávníček (Brno 2013). The overall concept of readership biographies is based on the chronologic-issue based scenario, covering the genesis of the readership interests and the development of the reading practices throughout ones lifetime, their character, changes, influence on life, professional career etc. This volume includes 33 selected “readership- professional” biographies of the famous people professionally connected with book. The biography of Petr Voit (born 1056) covers his childhood and years of education, as well as the beginnings of professional career in the Communist Czechoslovakia, with the realities characteristic only to that period there, also covering the world of books, culture and science - deep censorship, ideologization. The key role in his readership initiation was played by the family book collections, containing volumes not available in libraries and bookstores in these years. The research interests in past literature and Czech book have been distilled way back at the beginning of his philological and philosophical studies; the book studies workshop has been formed in practice during his work in the Faculty of Bibliographyof the National Library of the Czech Republic and the Prague antique shop, already after the system shift. It was there where the Encyclopaedia started forming, which was finished in the Library in Strahov, where the author has been working since 2004.



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G. Nieć, Dzieje rynku książki w Czechach w świetle najnowszej publikacji Zdenka Šimečka i Jiřího Trávníčka, „Bibliotheca Nostra” 2016, nr , 97–115

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Jak cytować

Nieć, G. (2018). Petr Voit – czeski bibliolog, autor Encyklopedii książki w świetle swego życiorysu czytelniczo-zawodowego. AUPC Studia Ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia, 15, 286–308.



Artykuły / Articles