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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • I declare that the text of the article has been prepared in accordance with the AUPC SBSP Guidelines for Authors
  • I declare that I have read the information on the ethics of publishing in AUPC. SBSP and I confirm that the article has not been previously published

Author Guidelines

Preliminary requirements

We invite you to submit full texts of articles in electronic form (in formats: *.doc, *.dox or *.rtf,) in Polish or English prepared in accordance with the requirements given below. For texts in Polish, it is necessary to include the title in English. as well as the abstract and keywords in both Polish and English. Preferred length of the article: 10-20 standard pages, i.e. 18000 - 36000 characters (including spaces).

When qualifying the text, we pay particular attention to a clear statement of the subject and purpose of the research, the use of appropriate research methods and the need to refer to previous publications in the field of the research subject.

The suggested method of submission is the option in the system "Submit new text" (button above, option available after logging in). In some justified cases, it is also possible to send the article directly to the email address of the Editorial Secretary.

Basic data on the formatting of the text for publication:

  • A4 page format (margins: 2.5 cm);
  • standard font: Times New Roman 12 pt for the main text and 10 pt for the footnotes;
  • paragraph: line spacing of 1.5 lines;
  • alignment of main text and footnotes - to the left;
  • graphics (figures, diagrams) may be embedded in the main document, but in this case they should additionally be sent in separate files (preferably in TIFF format).

Detailed guidelines for authors

For a detailed list of editorial and content requirements to be included in manuscripts submitted for publication, please refer to the special guide for authors: Detailed Editorial Guidelines for AUPC SBSP. Authors are kindly requested to read the document carefully and take the requirements into account.

Procedure for acceptance of texts for publication:

  • submission by the Author of a text for print (formatted according to the requirements given) via the electronic article acceptance system on the journal's website or, in justified cases, by e-mail to the Editorial Secretary;
  • checking by the Secretary of the Editorial Office or the Editor-in-Chief whether the submitted text meets the formal requirements (compliance with the journal's profile and appropriate formatting, etc.) and, if necessary, sending the text back to be corrected,
  • checking the text in the anti-plagiarism system;
  • Preliminary assessment of the text for content by the Editor-in-Chief or thematic editor of the volume, possible notification of non-acceptance of the text or its return for correction or necessary completion; in case of doubt the Editor-in-Chief or thematic editor of the volume may refer the text for an opinion of a member of the Programme Council or other expert in the field of the subject of the article,
  • confirmation or refusal of the text for further procedure,
  • sending the article to two reviewers in the "double-blind review" system; in case of significant interdisciplinarity of the subject matter or divergent opinions of reviewers, the text may be sent to a third reviewer,
  • notification of the Author by the Editorial Secretary to the Editor-in-Chief of the receipt of the reviews along with the transmission of the texts of the reviews, possibly also the comments of the Editor-in-Chief or the thematic editor of the volume and an indication of the deadline for the sending of the corrected text,
  • the sending of the revised text by the Author (in the event of disagreement with the comments in the review, together with the Author's position on the matter) together with a statement of copyright,
  • acceptance of the text for publication and notification by the Editorial Secretary to the Author of the acceptance of the text after reviews for publication (in case of doubts as to the correction of the text in accordance with the comments of the reviewers or editors, referral for re-examination or return for re-editing),
  • linguistic correction and typesetting of the article, if necessary contacting the author in case of doubts concerning the wording of the text or graphic solutions, in case of major editorial changes in the text of the article, sending the article to the Author after typesetting, with a short deadline for response,
  • posting the electronic version of the article in the archive on the journal's website.

Authors of texts accepted for publication should send a publishing contract to the editorial office within 14 days from the date of notification of acceptance of the text. In addition to the transfer of copyright, the contract also contains declarations of originality and contribution of individuals to the work, in particular authorship of concepts, assumptions, methods and information about the sources of funding for the work, including contributions from scientific and research institutions, associations and other entities.

Publication costs

There is no charge for the publication of articles in the journal AUPC Studia ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia.

Expected time to publication

The expected processing time for submitted manuscripts is 2-3 months, and the average time of the publication of an article is 6 months. The time of publication depends mainly on the topic of the article and the time the author needs to make corrections after reviews. It usually does not exceed 1 year.

Appendices for authors:

Anti-plagiarism procedure

  • The procedure is used to verify the originality of articles and covers texts submitted to the editorial board. Its main purpose is to provide support in counteracting infringements of copyright and related rights;
  • Verification of works is carried out in the system, under the licence of the Scientific Publishing House of UP in Krakow [Wydawnictwo Naukowe UP w Krakowie];
  • The anti-plagiarism procedure is supported by the Editorial Office Secretary.


The editors of AUPC SBSP would like to inform you that they counteract academic dishonesty. The applied ethical principles are described in detail in the chapter "Principles for authors" in the section Publication ethics. We kindly ask authors to read the rules carefully.

Privacy Statement

The members of the editorial board of the academic journal " AUPC Studia ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia " respect the principle of confidentiality, which means that they do not disclose any information about the authors, reviewers or persons who have registered on the webpages of the journal in order to use the newsletter service. The persons authorised to possess the above information are the editors and the Publisher. This is discussed in detail in the following RODO declaration (below).

Information on the processing of personal data of the Authors (RODO)

Based on Article 13 (and/or) 14 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (OJ EU L.2016.119.1 of 04.05.2016 – hereinafter: GDPR or the Regulation), we would like to inform you that:

I. Administrator of Personal Data: The administrator of the Personal Data of the Author(s)/Reviewer(s) is the University of the National Education Commission, Krakow (address: ul. Podchorążych 2, 30-084 Kraków, website: You can contact the Personal Data Administrator by e-mail: or in writing to the correspondence address indicated in the first sentence.
II. Data Protection Inspector: Author(s)/Reviewer(s) may contact the Data Protection Inspector appointed by the Administrator in matters concerning: personal data processing, exercising the rights concerning personal data processing by writing to the e-mail address, or the address of the Data Controller indicated in point I.
III. Purposes of the processing of personal data: A higher education institution shall process personal data in order to prepare and execute a publishing agreement in accordance with Article 6, section 1, letter b) of the Regulation (EU), and in particular: --- response to the information sent to the Publisher using the contact form/e-mail, --- implementation of the publishing process related to the publication of the paper by the Author(s), --- publishing the name, surname, degree or title and affiliation of the Author(s), --- making data available to other entities connected with the publishing process, databases and other information, promotional and scientific portals, --- sending author’s copies of printed works.
Providing personal data by you is a condition of contract performance, order, publication of your work or where you acted as a Reviewer, Editor or Member of the Academic Council. You are obliged to provide them, and the consequence of not providing personal data will be a refusal to publish or accept the article/review by the Publisher.
IV. Recipients of personal data: Collected personal data may be made available to entities and public bodies authorised to process personal data on the basis of generally applicable law and entities processing personal data at the request of the controller in connection with the performance of the task entrusted to them.
V. The period of storage of personal data of the Author(s): Personal data collected on the basis of Article 6(1)(b) of the Regulation (EU), i.e. will be processed for a maximum period of 50 years from the date of signature of the agreement.
VI. Rights of data subjects: The Author(s) have the right to: --- access their data (information about the data processed by the Administrator), including obtaining a copy of the data. The law will be implemented to the extent technically and legally possible, --- rectification (correction of data when they are not in line with the actual state), --- erasure or restriction of data processing in cases provided for by law.
The personal data collected are not subject to automated decision-making, including profiling.
VII. Supervisory authority in the field of personal data: The supervisory authority for personal data is the President of the Office for the Protection of Personal Data. The Author(s), in the event that they consider that the processing of personal data violates the provisions of the Regulation, have the right to lodge a complaint to the aforementioned supervisory authority.