“Strzecha” by Franciszek Henryk Richter (1868-1873, 1878) in the light of correspondence between the publisher and the editor


  • Maria Konopka Kraków




Lvov periodicals of the 19th century, the “Strzecha” monthly, F.H. Richter, F. Waligorski, J.I. Kraszewski


The article describes the circumstances of the creation and implementation of the Lviv liter-ary magazine “Strzecha” (Thatch). Correspondence of the publisher (F.H. Richter) and editor (F. Waligórski) with their regular contributor J.I. Kraszewski reveals the details of the financing of the project and the problems of keeping it on the market, brings the content of the magazine and the publisher’s efforts to improve its literary and artistic level.


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How to Cite

Konopka, M. (2023). “Strzecha” by Franciszek Henryk Richter (1868-1873, 1878) in the light of correspondence between the publisher and the editor. AUPC Studia Ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia, 20, 436–446. https://doi.org/10.24917/20811861.20.27



Artykuły / Articles