America - a gaze through autoethnographic study of visual communication


  • Patrycja Rozbicka Uniwersytet Wrocławski



autoethnography, USA, participant observation, culture, society, Americanness


The article discusses a personal viewpoint of the United States, gained from a month-long journey in 2022 that covered 10 states. The author employed an autoethnographic approach, which involves personal narratives and seeks knowledge. The researcher also acted as a participating observer, examining others through their own self-perception.

The outcomes presented in the autoethnography stem from observations made during the trip, reflecting the European perspective on thinking and lifestyle. These observations were influenced by the author's experiences of the landscape through sight and sound, resulting from anthropological observations.

Furthermore, this article presents a diverse range of observations conducted in the United States, spanning various domains such as Americanness, race, homelessness, immigration, national identity, camperlife and socio-economic backgrounds.


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How to Cite

Rozbicka, P. (2025). America - a gaze through autoethnographic study of visual communication. AUPC Studia Ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia, 22, 572–595.



Artykuły / Articles