The multifaceted nature of fake news in the context of comments on a fake news story


  • Katarzyna Płoszaj Uniwersytet Wrocławski



news, fake news, fact-checking, internet comments


Thesis/objective: The aim of this article is to present the diverse aspects of the increasingly rapid and widespread dissemination of fake news.

Research methods: In order to draw attention to the diverse aspects of the issue, the introduction references various perspectives taken by researchers studying fake news. This is followed by a case study based on an event that generated comments, which form the basis of the corpus analysis used in this research.

Conclusions: Based on the content of the comments regarding the fake news, it can be concluded that the issue of fake news is widely discussed — especially concerning its increasingly rapid spread and the reasons for this situation, including the specific mechanisms of social media and the low quality of journalism. Among the comments, there are also voices advocating for increased awareness of issues related to fake news and emphasizing the importance of fact-checking. In these discussions, an alignment with the themes explored in the literature on the subject of fake news can be observed. Therefore, continuing and expanding this type of research, which offers insight into the various perspectives on fake news, seems particularly worthwhile.



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How to Cite

Płoszaj, K. (2025). The multifaceted nature of fake news in the context of comments on a fake news story. AUPC Studia Ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia, 22, 447–458.



Artykuły / Articles