Data visualization in the humanities – some reflections on the responsibility of creators




data visualization, design, data manipulation, ethics


The article addresses data visualization in the humanities, focusing on its evolution, challenges, and ethical aspects of design. The goal of the article is to draw attention to ethical concerns, the limitations of visualization, and the uncertainty associated with data interpretation in humanities research. Currently, visualization, by combining traditional qualitative methods with a quantitative analytical approach, has become a key research and narrative tool. Several historical examples, which form the foundation of contemporary visualization methods, are presented. Particular attention is given to the role of colors, forms, and interactivity in design, as well as to the challenges related to data manipulation and the complexity of tools. In the concluding remarks, emphasis is placed on the need for a critical approach to visualization and the ethical responsibility of designers, especially in light of the growing importance of visualization in humanities research. The article concludes with reflections on the future of data visualization, including potential applications of artificial intelligence and augmented reality in digital humanities.


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How to Cite

Smołucha, D. (2025). Data visualization in the humanities – some reflections on the responsibility of creators. AUPC Studia Ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia, 22, 640–653.



Artykuły / Articles