The assumptions of the research project “Describing the cataloguesof the 19th century prints published in emigration and on Polish land from thecollection of the Polish Library in Paris and The Historical and Literary Society”and the connected integration


  • Joanna Jutrznia Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Biblioteka Jagiellońska
  • Wioleta Jakubas Uniwersytet Jagielloński. Biblioteka Jagiellońska
  • Lucyna Pyrzowska Biblioteka Naukowa PAU i PAN w Krakowie



Polish Library in Paris, informal scientific communication, cataloguing, retroconversion


The article describes the assumptions of the research project entitled “Describing the catalogues of the 19th century prints published in emigration and on Polish land from the collection of the Polish Library in Paris and The Historical and Literary Society”. It presents the methodology of studying the materials (VTLS/Virtua) and the specifics of the collection of the Polish Library in Paris. The realisation of the project is an opportunity to exchange experiences between the employees of different institutions taking part in the project. The workshop of the librarians of the PAU and PAN, Ossolineum and the Jagiellonian Library are characterized with local otherness, and due to this cooperation it is possible to broaden the skills and qualifications and share the knowledge. The integration of the community is being made in several aspects - scientific, professional and social.



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How to Cite

Jutrznia, J., Jakubas, W., & Pyrzowska, L. (2018). The assumptions of the research project “Describing the cataloguesof the 19th century prints published in emigration and on Polish land from thecollection of the Polish Library in Paris and The Historical and Literary Society”and the connected integration. AUPC Studia Ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia, 15, 350–359.



Materiały / Materials