Polish academic youth magazines in the post-insurrection times (1865–1918). An information-bibliographic review
Młodzież akademicka, czasopisma, ziemie polskie, zagranica, XIX/XX w.Abstract
The post-insurrection times (1865-1918) are the times of quantitative and qualitative development of magazines of the Polish academic youth, both in universities on Polish ground and abroad. But the origins of this literature reach back to the 1820s. the study of Polish academic youth magazines require detailed, in-depth basis, both historical and pressstudies wise. The preliminary stage of the study of 1865-1918 the author has acquired 42 titles. They were edited and issued mainly by the academic youth organisations. On Polish grounds 2/3 of this amount appeared, which accounted for 23 titles, while abroad there were 14 titles. The most magazines were issued in Galicia - 24 (Krakow 0 20, Lviv - 4). Abroad, the majority of the magazines were issued in German institutes (9) and in smaller amount in the Swiss ones (4). The most important and long-lasting titles in the country included: „Academic Review” (Krakow), „A Beam” (Lviv), „Briefcase” (Lviv), „Eleusis”(Krakow), „Unity” (Krakow), „Source” (Lviv), and abroad they were: „Horror” (Wrocław), „Dawn” (Lipsk), and „Future” (Zurich). Despite their ephemeral character, the magazines played an important role. They integrated the academic youth around the issues of cooperation of Polish students, both in the partitions and abroad, they informed about the social and material location, and about scientific, popular-scientific cultural and literary achievements. The academic magazines broadly informed about studies in the country and abroad, which was possible due to much correspondence of Poles studying in the given higher education institutions. Most of these magazines were connected by patriotism and an aspiration of the Polish nation towards independence.
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