Kształtowanie księgozbiorów bibliotek publicznych na Dolnym Śląsku w okresie powojennym (do roku 1975)
księgozbiory domowe, Dolny Śląsk, historia' 20 w.Abstract
[Shaping of the public libraries collections in Lower Silesia in the post-war period (until 1975)].
The article is concerned with the history of the public libraries of Lower Silesia in the postwar period. The upper time limit for the presented analysis and reports is the year 1975,
when the administrative reform changed the territorial structure of the voivodeship libraries. Within the 30 years after the war, the libraries of Lower Silesia gathered a wide collection of
both fiction and non-fiction books, as well as the documents of social life. The structure of the libraries collections was adjusted to the needs of the readers from the different regions of the
country. Thanks to those virtues, public libraries had a chance to become an important element of their towns’ cultural system. Accommodation facilities allowed for active participation in education processes and served the development of the social life.
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