Ślady Jana Mikulicza-Radeckiego we Wrocławiu ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zbiorów Biblioteki Akademii Medycznej


  • Anna Budzińska


Mikulicz-Radecki Jan, księgozbiory


[Traces of Jan Mikulicz-Radecki in Wrocław: collection of the library of the Wrocław Medical University]

The aim of this paper is to present the traces left by Professor Jan Mikulicz-Radecki in Wrocław, especially those found in the collection of the library of the Wrocław Medical University. The article contains a short biography of the renown surgeon and scientist, emphasizing the Krakow and Wrocław periods of his life. The author attempts to show Professor’s greatest achievements for the Krakow and Wrocław medicine. She presents his works collected by the library of the Wrocław Medical University, as well as works concerning the scientist. Further, traces of Mikulicz-Radecki’s activity in Wrocław are shown, with special attention being paid to the medical sphere, e.g. his traces in the Clinic of General Surgery in Maria Curie-Skłodowska street. A lot of attention is paid to the commemoration of the centennial anniversary of Mikulicz-Radecki’s death.



How to Cite

Budzińska, A. (2010). Ślady Jana Mikulicza-Radeckiego we Wrocławiu ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zbiorów Biblioteki Akademii Medycznej. AUPC Studia Ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia, 8, 45–50. Retrieved from https://sbsp.uken.krakow.pl/article/view/782



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