“Hello, How Can I Help You?” – Academic Libraries Users’ Expectations


  • Justyna Stępień Maria Grzegorzewska University
  • Paweł Stańczak Maria Grzegorzewska University
  • Michał Zdunek Maria Grzegorzewska University




academic library; users; service quality; questionnaire; user expectations; readers satisfaction


Users of modern academic libraries are people who follow their individual views and expectations. It is an unceasing challenge, which stands before library and their workers, to come ahead to their communities, learning their opinions and needs, and most importantly, to aspire to satisfy them. In a constantly changing academic environment, especially in a dynamically developing world of science, the library’s main objective is to create an offer not only attractive, but also open to users. To better identify expectations and needs of its readers, the Library of Maria Grzegorzewska University carried out a complex survey, asking about any field of its activity, but also areas for further development and change. This article’s main goal is to bring the figure of reader closer, as well as their reported needs and propositions of how to confront those changes.


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How to Cite

Stępień, J., Stańczak, P., & Zdunek, M. (2018). “Hello, How Can I Help You?” – Academic Libraries Users’ Expectations. AUPC Studia Ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia, 16, 236–254. https://doi.org/10.24917/20811861.16.16



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