The image of Wilno everyday life in the underground press


  • Jacek A. Żurawski Społeczna Akademia Nauk w Warszawie



Wilno; occupation of Wilno and Wilno region; underground press; Wilno District ZWZ-AK; Wilno Information and Propaganda Bureau


The article presents the everyday life of occupied Wilno in 1939-1945 based on an analysis of the underground press published in the city. The problem-chronological text describes both the invaders’ terror, here the issue of mass murders in Ponary on both the Polish population and the liquidated ghetto, as well as the daily activities of the occupation authorities directed against the Polish population. The underground press devoted a lot of space to the liquidation of the Wilno ghetto, which was also reflected in the text. The difficult economic situation of the residents of Wilno and the villages of the Wilno region as a consequence of the occupation authorities’ policy was also presented. The city’s everyday life was also presented in various aspects, including activities licensed by the occupier of institutions such as the “Ali Baba” revue theater and propaganda struggle waged by underground editors in this respect. The text closes with a description of the image of Wilno occupied by the Soviet army after Operation Burza.


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How to Cite

Żurawski, J. A. (2019). The image of Wilno everyday life in the underground press. AUPC Studia Ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia, 17, 192–211.



Artykuły / Articles