The Information Policy, is it True or False? The Credibility of Television News, and the Opinions of Polish Spectators in the 1st Quarter of the COVID-19 Pandemic
television, public opinion, COVID-19, credibilityAbstract
The authors studied the opinions of a randomly selected group of 100 respondents on the subject of policy of Polish and English language television services broadcasted at the very beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. An anonymous online survey asked respondents about the accuracy and reliability of the information, with the goal of understanding of how much respondents were aware of the influence of all news on their political views and attitude. Media content analysis, critical analysis of literature, as well as comparative and statistical methods were analysed in conjunction with the responses to provide a wider context. The authors were also interested in learning: 1) if people would choose the same TV station, 2) their approval rating of the incumbent president, and finally, 3) whether their preferences would be in line with the official ranking data. The authors concluded that the respondents’ recognition of the credibility of the new sources facilitated the formation of political views, and in the process, their choices.
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