Review of the monograph: Media Accountability in the Era of Post-Truth Politics, eds. T. Eberwein, S. Fengler, M. Karmasin, London–New York 2019, ss. 316, ISBN: 9780815361671


  • Paweł Urbaniak Uniwersytet Wrocławski





Review of the monograph: Media Accountability in the Era of Post-Truth Politics, eds. T. Eberwein, S. Fengler, M. Karmasin, London-New York 2019, ss. 316, ISBN: 9780815361671


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How to Cite

Urbaniak, P. (2021). Review of the monograph: Media Accountability in the Era of Post-Truth Politics, eds. T. Eberwein, S. Fengler, M. Karmasin, London–New York 2019, ss. 316, ISBN: 9780815361671. AUPC Studia Ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia, 19, 796–801.



Recenzje / Reviews