Kanały typu commentary (dramowe) w polskim serwisie YouTube: rozważania terminologiczne wokół nowego przedmiotu badań
https://doi.org/10.24917/20811861.20.41Słowa kluczowe:
YouTube, commentary channels, drama channels, gossip channels, drama creatorsAbstrakt
The issue of commentary channels has already been elaborated on in the English language literature. Polish scientists are also slowly starting to engage with the subject as well. This type of content includes popular video media available both in Polish and English on YouTube. Due to the minimal interest of Polish researchers in the subject and the lack of theoretical studies devoted to the issue in the scientific literature, there has been an attempt to organize the terminology related to this new research subject. For these aims, the following methods were used: bibliographic, critical analysis of the literature on the subject, analysis of the content of audiovisual materials on YouTube, deductive, heuristic, and comparative. The implementation of the set aims will certainly serve as a starting point for researchers to carry out further research in this area.
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