Evaluation of web wizards supported by artificial intelligence: the perspective of unskilled users
artificial intelligence, AI, web page builder, usability, designAbstract
This paper presents the results of an experiment evaluating the performance of AI-assisted web page builders from the perspective of untrained users and independent judges. Advances in technology and research into human-computer interaction have contributed to simplifying the use of computers, enabling intuitive use of technology. The author questions whether the use of AI in interface development eliminates traditional UX issues such as user experience design and usability testing. In relation to this issue, an experimental study was undertaken. The study consisted of two parts: the creation of web pages by novice users and the evaluation of these pages by independent judges. The first part of the study involved a group of students with no web design experience. The students evaluated the performance of the AI-supported web wizards, while the group of judges evaluated the quality of the completed designs. Students in the experimental group rated the wizards as intuitive and easy to use, and the majority found the task quite easy or easy to complete. They identified the best AI features of the wizards: generating page layouts based on templates, AI-assisted copywriting and selecting graphics based on a verbal description. Independent judges rated the websites positively, appreciating their aesthetics and clarity. The judges evaluated the websites according to Jakob Nielsen heuristics, which showed that the designs met usability and aesthetic standards. The study confirms that AI in web page builders can be ‘transparent’ to unskilled users, enabling them to create functional pages without deep technical knowledge.
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