An overview of researchers’ visions for human security and survival in the age of big data and artificial intelligence


  • Hanna Batorowska Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie



Big data; forecasting; data management; artificial intelligence; Internet of Things; security; information security culture


Big Data is the subject of research of many specialists, including IT specialists, data librarians and data researchers, data brokers, analytical and information services, and even artists. This new method of data mining causes changes in all areas of human life; thus, we have on our hands a tool that can be used for people’s good and security, but which can also destroy our civilization. These two possibilities inspire researchers to make predictions about a future dominated by artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and new ways of extracting data from Big Data that allows them to predict and control these objects by seeing correlations between them. This gives unlimited power to data silo holders and algorithms. The article presents scientists’ fears about the threats generated by these technologies and formulates them as questions about the condition of humanity in the future. The consequences of creating forecasts without considering human deficiencies in analyzing data and the perils of creating incomplete knowledge are also presented. Forecasting requires the ability to analyze and conduct intelligent interpretation through people, not just artificial intelligence systems. Forecasting also requires the ability to ask questions, which is clearly the domain of man.


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How to Cite

Batorowska, H. (2020). An overview of researchers’ visions for human security and survival in the age of big data and artificial intelligence. AUPC Studia Ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia, 18, 370–384.



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