Problems with discipline and extracurricular behavior of young people from Galician secondary schools in the reports and regulations of the National School Council in the late 19th and early 20th centuries




secondary schools, Galicia, upbringing, school regulations, youth behavior outside school, discipline, reports and legal provisions of the National School Council


The National School Council, as a public educational institution, did much in the field of education. Despite a noticeable asceticism resulting from the policy of loyalism to the Austrian partitioner, in terms of upbringing, the values promoted by the Council were often continued as the basis of educational work in Polish secondary schools in the Second Republic. This is particularly true of the formation of students’ attitudes toward religious and national values, which dominated both the assumptions of national and state education. Thus, the members of the Council realized how important to the process of upbringing are the general moral values that young people are confronted with on a daily basis, and those which they will acquire. In addition, they recognize how considerable an educational effort will have to be made by teachers and parents for them to acquire these values in normal life. Despite often difficult, sometimes even critical, educational situations, numerous graduates of Galician high schools made a lasting mark in the social, political, and cultural life of the Second Republic.


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How to Cite

Juśko, P. (2024). Problems with discipline and extracurricular behavior of young people from Galician secondary schools in the reports and regulations of the National School Council in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. AUPC Studia Ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia, 21, 161–174.



Artykuły / Articles