The magic of book – Bodek family, the antique books sellers from Lviv
Antique, bookselling, Lviv XIX–XX c., Bodek familyAbstract
Bodek is a family of secondhand booksellers in Lviv, which since the 50s of the nineteenth century dealt with trade of old books in Lviv. Its representatives: Leon, Sara, Jakub, Samuel, Józef, Dorota, Alfred, Adolf, Maksymilian and Zygmunt, had contributed to the dissemination of Polish books. Some of them were booksellers and publishers, others only traders of school textbooks and literature, as well as popular crime literature and travel books. They ran their businesses with varying degrees of success, depending on economic conditions and competition on the book market in Lviv. The article is the history of this family and the activities of its members in various fields related to the book.
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