International Journals in Library & Information Science Included in the Polish Ministerial List of Scientific Journals




international scientific journals, library and information science


Thesis/aim: The aim of the article is to diagnose the reasons why the most important international magazines in the field of Library & Information Science (LIS) took relatively low positions on the Polish ministerial list (2019), and to present their list obtained according to the author's original method. Reserch methods: To select journals, bibliometric methods were used (citation analysis, indexes analysis and correlation testing). Results: The first part of the article presents the genesis of the ministerial list; the technique of its creation and mapping between LIS and citation indexes as well as journals belonging to many disciplines influenced the list was discussed. In the second part, a new method of creating a list (based on the assumption that affiliation to a discipline is decided by usage) and research results are presented. The research material consisted of 77 journals selected from Web of Science and Scopus. As a result of the calculations, the collection was divided into three groups: a) basic journals for LIS (26 titles); (b) journals from associated disciplines formally belonging to the LIS (26); (c) multidisciplinary journals formally belonging to the LIS (25). Conclusions: The research revealed that only 33.8% of the journals assigned to LIS are actually cited by scientists who publish in LIS periodicals. The remaining titles are either usable by researchers from other disciplines (33.8%) or are multidisciplinary (32.4%). Among the 26 most important LIS journals, 3 types of periodicals were distinguished: general journals (9 titles), periodicals devoted to scientific information (9) and profiled journals (8). The comparative analysis of the metrics shows that journals belonging to the core of the discipline (basic for LIS) achieve lower bibliometric indicators than other periodicals formally assigned to the LIS. All the drawn conclusions show that the thematic lists of journals published by citation indexes are incoherent and should not be directly used for the evaluation of scientific disciplines.


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How to Cite

Kolasa, W. M. (2021). International Journals in Library & Information Science Included in the Polish Ministerial List of Scientific Journals. AUPC Studia Ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia, 19, 562–583.



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