Internet blogs as a way of presenting the city on the example of Krakow


  • Michał Rogoż Uniwersytet Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie



blogs, Krakow, typology, formal analysis, content analysis, authors


The popularity of blogs has made them one of the most important forms of online expression. In this study, individual blog sites were found using the Google search engine by typing in search phrases containing the word blog and a link related to Krakow. The resulting collection was subjected to further selection and typology according to various formal and content criteria. A comparative method and media content analysis were used. In the blogs analyzed, the city is shown as a tourist destination, a place to live, a service center, and a historical site. Blogs are a relatively dynamic part of the networkosphere, distinguished by their relative indeterminacy and variability over time. They are differentiated by the narrative theme, the forms of presentation, the nature of the authors, and the resulting motivations. A hallmark of many blogs is syncretism and the mixing of diverse topics within the same posts. Often, various techniques are used to make the message more interesting, in line with the current communication trend known as infotainment. Despite the multifaceted nature, most of the evaluations of the city presented in the analyzed blogs are positive, due to image issues and the logic of self-presentation.


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How to Cite

Rogoż, M. (2024). Internet blogs as a way of presenting the city on the example of Krakow. AUPC Studia Ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia, 21, 460–474.



Artykuły / Articles