Information competence of the members of the Library Science and Information Olympics in the light of own research
kompetencje informacyjne, młodzież ponadgimnazjalna, zarządzanie informacją, Olimpiada Bibliologiczna i Informatologiczna, badania kompetencji informacyjnych, uczeń zdolnyAbstract
The aim of the author of the article was to draw attention to the new opportunities the librarian teachers are offered when working with gifted high school pupils and preparing them for the Library Science and Information Olympics. Did the teachers manage the challenge of preparing young people for the management of information? Research method was applied to obtain the answer. The purpose of research, the author set herself, was to describe the knowledge and information literacy of particularly gifted high school pupils, being prepared by the librarian teachers to participate in the finals of the Library Science and Information Olympics in the school year 2014/15. To achieve it, both the survey method and the competence test, developed for this purpose, were applied. The questionnaire, containing questions to determine the respondents' degree of the Olypmpics test's questions difficulty, was addressed both to high school pupils and their teachers. After the data had been collected, the comparative method to verify assessing the scale of the difficulties of the same tasks by two groups - students and teachers, was planned to be used. Conclusions from the study: the librarian teachers prepared pupils for the tasks related to the management of information - the test was completed, taking into account all students, in 68% .
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