"Tygodnik Polski. Materiały Obozowe" (1943-1944) - pismo Konitetu Obywatelskiego dla Spraw Opieki nad Polskimi Uchodźcami na Węgrzech


  • Krzysztof Woźniakowski Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie, Instytut Informacji Naukowej i Bibliotekoznawstwa


Tygodnik Polski. Materiały Obozowe, historia


[Tygodnik Polski. Materiały Obozowe (1943-1944): a magazine of the Civilian Committee for the Welfare of Polish Refugees in Hungary]

Tygodnik Polski. Materiały Obozowe, edited in Budapest by Edward Janus (Andrzej Stawar), was a cultural and educational organ of the Civilian Committee for the Welfare of Polish Refugees in Hungary. It was released from 25th July 1943 to 12th March (19th March according to some sources) 1944 and was a direct continuator of the previous periodical of the Committee titled Nasza Świetlica. Materiały Obozowe (published from 2nd February 1941 to 4th July 1943, from 1st May 1942 titled Materiały Obozowe). Tygodnik Polski. Materiały Obozowe, unlike its predecessor that was produced on duplicating machines and distributed free of charge, was released in print and was available in newsstands and on subscription. Analogously to Nasza Świtlica, the magazine published popular science articles from diverse fields, commented on current military events to the extent to which the censorship allowed as well as registered and discussed selected manifestations of the refugee cultural and artistic life. Tygodnik Polski published literary texts written by Polish authors residing in Hungary and translations of Hungarian literature but - in comparison with its predecessor - it considerably reduced all kinds of hungarica and polono-hungarica. It also printed the announcements and edicts of the Civilian Committee. An integral part of the magazine was an autonomous insertion titled Głos Żołnierza, which was addressed to internee soldiers and had its own editor and separate numbering. The periodical quickly became the second (after Wieści Polskie) most important magazine of the Polish diaspora in Hungary addressed to a more sophisticated and educated reader. It was liquidated, together with other Polish institutions, when the Nazi occupation army entered Hungary on 19th March 1944. The event led to a complete suppression of the Polish cultural life in that country.



How to Cite

Woźniakowski, K. (2011). "Tygodnik Polski. Materiały Obozowe" (1943-1944) - pismo Konitetu Obywatelskiego dla Spraw Opieki nad Polskimi Uchodźcami na Węgrzech. AUPC Studia Ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia, 9, 85–106. Retrieved from https://sbsp.uken.krakow.pl/article/view/743



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