Publishing house of the Polish Touring Club in the years 1930–1939


  • Adam Bańdo Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie



history of the press, Polish press, Poland in the 20th century, automotive magazines, tourism magazines, Polish Touring Klub


The article is devoted to four periodicals: “Auto i Turysta,” “Turysta i Auto,” “Biuletyn Polskiego Touring Klubu” and “Touring,” published in 1930-1939 by the Polish Touring Klub (PTK). It expands and supplements the research on the development of Polish automotive magazines from their creation, which was 1911, to the end of the interwar period. Its results were presented in the author’s previous publications. This text also shows the mutual relations between the two main issues addressed in those magazines, namely tourism and the automotive industry. The publication also contains information on PTK’s publishing activity beyond the aforementioned press titles.


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How to Cite

Bańdo, A. (2023). Publishing house of the Polish Touring Club in the years 1930–1939. AUPC Studia Ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia, 20, 233–246.



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