Issues of the Ancient Near East in Polish Women’s Press in the 19th - and Early 20th Centuries (2) - Bluszcz [Ivy]


  • Leszek Zinkow Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures of the Polish Academy of Sciences



Bluszcz, 19th and 20th century Polish press, Women’s press, Ancient Near East (reception), Egypt (reception)


The Polish magazine for women: Bluszcz [Ivy] (1865-1918) included pieces on the history of culture, literature, issues of scientific progress, travels, and descriptions of foreign countries. This paper discusses texts referring to the ancient Near East as published in Bluszcz. It includes a review and analysis of press materials dealing with various aspects of this heritage: notes, reviews, announcements, articles, digressive travel reports, and fiction, among others.
These articles were published in the context of the specific kind of press and former under-standing of 19th Century women’s intellectual needs. The more prominent or characteristic publications are synthetically discussed, while the summary presents reflections of a statistical nature, on the distribution and formal transformations.


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How to Cite

Zinkow, L. (2023). Issues of the Ancient Near East in Polish Women’s Press in the 19th - and Early 20th Centuries (2) - Bluszcz [Ivy]. AUPC Studia Ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia, 20, 456–468.



Artykuły / Articles