Library of the Count Wiktor Foundation. Baworowski towards the international intellectual cooperation of the League of Nations
League of Nations, International Commission on Intellectual Cooperation, International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation, Maria Skłodowska-Curie, BavorovianumAbstract
The International Commission on Intellectual Cooperation (and later the International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation) established at the League of Nations was responsible for initiating, organizing and coordinating international intellectual cooperation. National commissions cooperated with the League of Nations in this respect. The Polish Commission for International Intellectual Cooperation assessed intellectual life’s state, which was carried out using survey research. Establishing cooperation took place not only at the national level but was associated with the active attitude of local organizations. The Association of Polish Scientific Societies in Lviv (including the Count Wiktor Baworowski Foundation Library) actively participated in the research and formulated specific expectations for international assistance and cooperation. In this way, the Bavorovianum could inform the European public about its library and museum resources and cooperate with the Hoover Library. This became the basis for subsequent international cooperation, consisting not only of using the Library’s resources (on-site and in interlibrary loans) but also around publishing sources and scientific materials related to the collections, but above all in the international exchange of publications with many countries.
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