Social media as tools supporting the promotion of the programmes offer on the example of Telewizja Polsat
social media marketing, television, PR, PolsatAbstract
Purpose: The purpose of the article is to present the role of social media as tools supporting the promotion of Telewizja Polsat's programming offer. The authors try to determine whether and to what extent social media can influence the promotion of selected television programs, films and series, contributing to an increase in viewership and trust among recipients.
Methodology: The case study method was used to review nearly 3,000 posts posted on three selected social networking sites – Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. All entries were subjected to quantitative and qualitative analysis. Of particular value to the study is the examination of the audience engagement rate in relation to content posted on all three social media platforms.
Results: The analysis showed that audience involvement in social media may influence the future of the promoted program. In turn, incorrect use of social marketing tools may mean that, despite the large number of materials, followers will not be willing to watch the broadcast. On the other hand, social media is still an ideal place to maintain and build relationships with audiences and to provide them with the latest news, thus encouraging them to watch the program. For this reason, you should focus less on acquiring new followers and more on engaging regular audiences.
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