The activities of the Maritime and Colonial League school clubs in the Second Polish Republic
Maritime and Colonial League, Maritime and Colonial League school clubs, social organizations in the Second Polish Republic, maritime education, forms of educational activity in schoolsAbstract
The article discusses the activities of the Maritime and Colonial League school clubs in the Second Polish Republic. This organization was established in October 1930 and was a continuation of the Maritime and River League which had existed since 1924. One of the main programme assumptions of the League was to awaken the maritime awareness of the Polish society, attachment to the sea and understanding of its importance in the political, social, economic and financial aspects. The League also proclaimed its own programme of developing the country by Poland’s gaining of access to colonies. School clubs were an emanation of the ideals of the Maritime and Colonial League in schools of all types. They implemented the assumptions of maritime and water education, which resulted from the ideology proclaimed by the League’s activists. The campaign to create school clubs turned out to be a great success. In 1938, there were 1,823 registered clubs in the country, and their members, primary and secondary school students, constituted 35% of all the members of the Maritime and Colonial League.
At school level, clubs carried out a number of activities. These included: lectures, presentations; organisation of ceremonies related to the sea and the colonial idea in the form of school events, performances, morning meetings, evening meetings; creation of the iconography collections concerning the maritime topics and organisation of occasional exhibitions; establishment and management of maritime libraries; development of ship modelling; readership of maritime press; editing of own publications; preparation of wall newspapers; correspondence with the Polish youth abroad, as well as with other school clubs of the League in Poland; organisation of and participation in trips to the seaside, to Gdynia, Gdańsk and around Pomerania; participation in camps, courses and training in swimming, sailing, kayaking and other water sports; conducting collections for the Maritime Defence Fund and campaigns promoting this initiative.
In the interwar period, the activities of school clubs of the Maritime and Colonial League contributed significantly to maritime education and the shaping of the maritime worldview of the younger generation of Poles.
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