Intellectual property in digital communication and the education of information architects


  • Iwona Pietrzkiewicz Pedagogical University of Cracow
  • Michał Rogoż Pedagogical University of Cracow



information architecture; education; intellectual property protection; professional training


Preparing graduate information architects whose professional competences are obviously related to information processing - especially in a digital environment - requires equipping them with relevant knowledge of widely understood intellectual property rights protection. A question needs to be asked whether information architecture student can acquire sufficient competence during the basic training in the protection of intellectual property, obligatory for all first degree university courses in Poland, or is it necessary/advisable to introduce an additional specialist subject taking into account of the specific nature of the profession and the dynamic development of new technologies which constantly generates new challenges in this area.


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How to Cite

Pietrzkiewicz, I., & Rogoż, M. (2019). Intellectual property in digital communication and the education of information architects. AUPC Studia Ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia, 17, 223–231.



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